One of my favourite heroes from the land of the rising sun.
Height: 162 feet, 49 meters. Weight: 40,000 tons. Flight Speed: N/A. Powers/Weapons: Chrome-Ray Storm: Nexus' "+" stlye beam attack. It is very powerful, and can destroy monsters in one shot. Particle Phaser: A small, but strong blast of yellow energy Nexus can emit from his hands. Mach Move: Nexus uses this to move much faster than normal. Aura Mirage: A barrier-like aura Nexus can generate. Saving Belt: Nexus can emit a long, extendable beam from his hands that can be used to grab objects/people, no matter how small they are. It's lightning quick. Mode Switch: Nexus can switch to Junis Red mode, or to Junis Blue during battle (Junis Blue mode requires Nexus to merge with the third Dunamist first.) Extraordinary Jumper: Nexus can leap to amazing heights without any trouble. First Appearance: Ultraman Nexus episode 1: "Night Raid." Transformation Item: The Evoltruster. Human Host(s): Shinichi Maki, Jun Himeya. Both human hosts, or "Dunamists," are required to merge with Nexus in order to reach this form. Weakness: Nexus can stay active as long as his Dunamist is in good health. Nexus' power is determined by the link with the Dunamist. As long as the Dunamist is in good health, Nexus can keep fighting. Otherwise, he'll be become weak and will revert to human form.